Saturday, October 3, 2009

Salt is a menace.

First post of my first food blog. Let's get retarded in here!!!

I made some basil pesto today, using basil from the farmer's market, sea salt (unfortunately too much), freshly grated romano, toasted pecans, garlic and olive oil.

Also, I'm a complete procrastinator. The above text was generated Saturday afternoon. Now it's Tuesday night. Still want to kill time rehashing my dinner though! There is always more schoolwork to put off.

The pesto was too salty so next time, remember not to salt it until the end! (Note: I'm going to write this whole thing like I'm talking to myself, except for when I explain things like this... or do I do that sometimes? Yeah, okay, I do talk to myself like this. Carry on.)

I fixed the salt issue by making a cream sauce to dilute it. Mmm. Fats. We ate it with vermicelli and sweet basil Italian sausage (that was on sale, my favorite flavor!) The end.

Tonight, we dined on breaded & fried bone-in pork chops, new potatoes, and baby herb salad. Props to Joy of Cooking for the chop recipe. Just what I was looking for... that's what I like about Joy, she's on point. Ask the internet for a recipe and it will tell you lots of weird shit, probably all lies. Why do I keep asking? I'm dumb.

Why am I keeping such a silly blog? Does the world really need to know how food-obsessed and inane I can be? Maybe I will take my name off. Because posting anonymously is less creepy.

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